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Another rubber duck marathon will be hosted in June.

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Apart from being a health aid, 3D printing serves as a useful teaching aid as well. My nephew has brought home from kindergarten a 3D-printed toy dinosaur that he wouldn't discard even when he is asleep. The sense of "genuineness and clarity", he told me, is what sets it apart from peer toys made through conventional methods.

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Apart from the streamlined application process, authorities will attempt to make the transformation attractive by dangling benefits before hybrid facilities, including tax breaks equivalent to nonprofits and priority in land use.


Another highlight of the forum was the industry promotional fair held on Nov 3, which attracted more than 100 experts and scholars.


Announced at the end of 2015, the merger will create a new chemical giant worth up to approximately 0 billion with three independent, publicly traded companies. Dow and DuPont shareholders will each own about 50 percent of the shares.


